Thursday, February 21, 2008

Rap & Spirituality

I am known as Mama Hip Hop, I am a black female who had a change of heart about rap after
watching Redemption about Tupac Shakur about five years ago. When my kids now 32 and 28 were growing up I would not allow them to listen to rap in the house or the car. I was very judgmental and close minded.

Now, I see that Rap is a form of protest and young people's way to expressing their pain, anger, rage and frustration about the world that we have created.

Recently, after the Imus incident many black leaders begin to point the finger at rap artists and casting blame on the hip hop culture. While, I still have very strong feelings about misgony, any form of degrading of women and profanity simply for the sake of profanity, I believe we must take a closer look

All of the hip hop culture is a representation to some degree of the larger so called mainstream culture. So many middle class blacks live their lives based upon assimiliation, conforming to mainstream culture and are hung up with appearances. We ARE Hypocrites......I watched Russell Simmons on Oprah struggling to communicate that rap is just an outer expression of all the things that are a part of our culture, whether we like it or not.

Most of my generation are sexually respressed, judgmental and hypocritical about so many things. We live lives of major deception. On the surface we appear to be successful, decent respectful people. Just under the service, our lives are chaotic, depressed, and often deviant.

What do you think?
Please see my website

Would you like to be part of a national grassroots movement to "bridgethegap"

Santa Barbara CA
Love to all and blessings to our youth

1 comment:

america brown said...

Congratulations on your new blog!